Thursday, November 1, 2012

Help Me with My Headboard - Update

Hi lovelies! I have had some fun ideas come over and have come up with a few myself...all this DIY talk got me thinking creatively. I wanted to share some of the others that we have come up with.

This idea was inspired by Jennifer Clough. She was a Bridesmaid in my wedding and recommended using lyrics from our first dance - "When You've Got a Good Thing" by Lady Antebellum. I am thinking that a floral fabric behind it would look good with red lettering. This is not a complete lyric, but something I edited to work. What do you think?

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During high school, Michael picked up the nickname Buetty  - short for Buettner (pronounced Butte-ner).  This nickname combined with some recommendations to use Disney movies for inspiration...this is what I came up with. Not sure if this is what you all were going for, but its what I came up with. Its not something lovey, but hubby sure got a kick out of it when I told him. : )

As far as display, I like the idea from my friend Dina. She recommended using wooden letters and painting over the top of them as seen here. Being that my mom now works at Michael's Craft Store (major score!) this could probably be done fairly inexpensively.

But overall, I still haven't decided on anything. Still happy to take suggestions. Leave me a comment with an idea! Hoping to make a decision soon since I just got my new comforter in the mail this week and want to complete the package. Hope everyone is well. God bless!